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2011-04-04 01:13:47
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Across The Universe

Is there anybody going to listen to my story....
[RESTARTED ON 09/20/2010!!!!!!!]

K so this is a wiki based on Across the Universe (my favorite musical ever!!!! i mean come on jim sturgis is cuter then hell xD)
Anyways this RPG takes place in the 60's where there's all sorts of turmoil and sadness and stuff :D
This is basically a love story but with some twists

NEW chat for this wiki to put idea's or whatever --> Across the questions



Name: Jude
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Originally from Liverpool, England; Jude came to the United States to try and find his father. He met a girl and fell in love, he moved to New York illegally to try and stay with her things however quickly spun out of control...he's an amazing artist and wants to find a job drawing somewhere
Any Powers: He can sing randomly xD
Other Info: none yet
<img:> Maxwell's Silver Hammer (xD max is apparently a murderer xD not really but yea google te song :D on another note clearly Max is a slut lookit his pants xD) and Jude with his random strawberries :D
<img:> Jude's new shiba inu puppy Shep, for some reason Shep LOVES John xD like litterally loves him xD

Name: Maxwell (Max) Carrigan
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short History: Max is in his own words: "An unmotivated college dropout" his rich parents sent him to college where he prompltly dropped out, he grew tired of his parents telling him what a disapointment he was and moved to new york with his best friend Jude to try and escape it. He recently recieved and burnt a draft card
Any powers: He can shift to a wolf
Other Info: nope
<img:> woo a good emo pic xD not sure why he always looks so emo o.o he was only emo in like a third of the movie @_@
<img:> slighty better but he looks emo >.<
<img:> fluffy wolf form >:D

Max's puppy Zeus

Name: Lucy Carrigan
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Short history: Lucy is Max's little sister, closer to her parents then max. She hates war and is very pro peace her first boyfriend was killed in the war she is a former lover of Jude and is pregnent with his child. She was part of an anti war group but left after discovering they were building bombs
Any Powers: none
Other info: She is very protective of Max
<img:> Lucy & Max

Name: Paul 'Bruce' Dickinson [last one i promise xD]
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bi-sexual but prefers the ladies
Short History: Bruce has lived in England with his grandparent's his full life however when they both died he found it too depressing to stay there so he moved to New York to start a new life. He's an amazing singer and fencer and dreams of becoming a pilot someday
Any Powers: his cuteness :D and he can shift to a wolf :D
Other info: none

Name: JoJo [k this is my last one xD]
Age: 37
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: JoJo has lived in New York his whole life and loves it, he's the landlord to Jude and Max. He fought in the war and is still traumatized by it but he hides it well and doesn't think it does any good to try and hide from it.
Any Powers: nope
Other info: he's a singer and a guitarist


[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Garnet Lacey
Short History:Garnet grew up in New York her whole life and her family own a huge recording company, while she works in a cafe because she refuses to take money off her parents. She wants to be a fashion designer or a writer.
Any Powers: Can freeze time?
Other Info: The reason she became a lesbian is because her uncle raped her from the age of 13 and she has been put off men ever since then. Oh and she is Rei's best friend, he is the one guy she can stand to be around.

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Summer Van Alen
Short History:She is Garnet's best female friend and ex girlfriend too. Summer gose to NYU, studying art because she wants to be an artist.Summer got preagant at age 16 with her ex boyfriend Colin's baby, her parents where out raged and kicked her out the house, so Summer went to live with her best friend Garnet's house. She gave up her son to her sister, Jenny, because she couldn't get preagant but she told her sister that she would like to be in her son's like, they agreed to it. So Summer acts as Mark's auntie, spending time with him three times a week but at times Summer wants to tell him the truth but she can't because of her sister.
Any Powers:She has the power of a slut XD
other Info:She smokes, drinks and dose drugs

[Tis gone but never gone]
Name: Marcus William Van Alen (Nut he gets called Mark)
Sexuality:Too young :P
Short History: Mark is the son of Summer and Colin. His mother was only 16 when she give birth to him as his father left his mother. His mother gave him up to his auntie Jenny because she couldn't get preagant. So he thinks that Summer is his auntie but really she is his mother but he dosen't know.


Name: Rei Akito
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: is a professional singer and has lived in new york his whole life though lately he's been slipping lately getting into drugs and alcohol
any powers: err he can shape shadows into whatever he wants?
other info: none

Name: Nikolai
Age: 32
Sexuality: gay
Short History: been a drug dealer since he was 16 he doesnt use just sells
Powers: power of persuasion
other info: none
<img:><img500*0:stuff/aj/49600/shibapup.jpg> Nikki's rat crystal and his puppy Dragon :D

Name: Belle McDaniel
Age: 16
Sexuality: Straight
Short History: recently came moved to new york to find her aunt to get away from her abusive father
Powers: she can see into the future
other info:...

Name: Amy Lee Hartzler but she goes by Alex
Sexuality: Bi
Short History: she's moved around a lot she's currently in new york to well she doesnt know yet all she knows is that she wants to help her country and fight for it but since she's a woman they wont allow it so she keeps her hair in a ponytail and pinned under a hat she always wears she does everything she can to make her look like a boy so she can be drafted she has documents and everything that says alex but they're all forged
Powers: none
Other info: is a girl masquerading as a boy


Name: Marcus
Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay
Short History: He lived in london for a long time then moved to new york recently.
Any Powers: Can change to a wolf and control and create fire
Other Info: Allergic to chocolate and Silver

Name:John Jameson
History:John was in a gang back in Irland and he saw a lot of folk get killed and he helped with the killing too but one night, the guilt of what he did got to him.So he went to the cops and told them everything, he was only 15 at the time. He went to Juvenile prison until about 6 months ago when he finshed his time in the big house. So now he's in...yeah here in New York.
Personallity:Depressed, sat, hurt, alone, suicidal
Powers: Pyromancer!
Other in hiding...he left his gang, when shit go too hot, confessed yadda yadda, but nayway, he knows how to build bombs and shit :D


extra wiki's

Across The Universe deleted scenes for all yer sex perv's xD new one's will also be here

Across The Universe Full Movie for those of you who wish to watch teh movie :D

Across The Universe The Songs admit it you want to see Jim Sturgis singing xD

Across the Questions for question's and ideas :D

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2010-08-15 [wolvie]: Max nods, "Much...why're you crying?"

Jude smiles back and nods, "Yeah your right he's a tough little shit"

2010-08-15 [Tis gone but never gone]: "No reason." she sat on the bed and held his hand.

2010-08-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai kissed his cheek

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max frowns, "I'm sorry"

Jude smiles softly, "Love you"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai blushed smiling back "Love you too"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude blushes a little, he hadn't met to say love you it had just kinda slipped out

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "cute"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "what?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "you are"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "how so?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "cause i say so"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back giggling

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "so im right"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "This time..can we go see max? I'm worried about the bugger"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "of course lets go see him"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back and nods, hopping outta bed, dressing in some of Nikolai's clothes

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled getting dressed "awe you look cute in my clothes"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "I don't have any clean ones that're mine here"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "still look cute"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "Thanks lets go"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded heading to the hospital

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles going with him

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai headed to Max's room

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude follows him then frowns when he see's max

Max was deep asleep, clearly high from all of the pain killers the nurses were giving him

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "that poor man"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "I feel's not right Nikolai"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai shook his head "No its not"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude sighs and leans on Nikolai, "I wish we could do something.."

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai gently rubbed his arm "i know"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude frowns not really knowing what to do

Max groans softly as he wakes up, "Ugh..."

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "your friend is waking up"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude nods and goes over, "Hey max"

Max yawns, "Hey your not a nurse"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "nah but i can dress like one"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles and coughs a little, he was slowly starting to remember things and re-connect with the world, "Hey Jude who'se your odd friend?"

Jude smiles back at Nikolai, "Thats me mate Nikolai"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled slipping an arm around Jude.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back leaning against him

Max, "Your gay now? very nice bro congrats"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled lightly.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jue smiles, "Ignore max he's an ass"

Max flips Jude off then coughs

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "k will do"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was at the door of Max's med room, she had tears in her eyes as she watched Max remember his friends and talk to them.I love you Max. She thought as she walked away out the hositpal. She got into her car and she drove home, once she was there she got out and ran into her apartment and to her bedroom. She jumped on the bed and she cryed softly.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max frowns a little, he thought he had seen someone at the door leave but he wasn't sure

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer curled up on the bed crying softly, she wanted her Max back but she knew that she might never get him back.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max frowns and rolls to his side, not sure what to do

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled softly.

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer stopped crying, she just layed in bed thinking.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "We better go Nikolai"

max sighs a little

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai nodded "get well soon max"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer sighed as she closes her eyes, and seh fell asleep

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude nods, taking Nikolai's hand and leaving

Max nods, "i will" he lays there and thinks then sits up slowly as memories come rushing back, "Summer..."

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai put an arm around Jude.

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer is fast asleep

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "He'll be ok right?" he asks Nikolai as they walk

Max is arguing with the nurse, "I don't care if visiting hours are over goddamnit I want a phone to call Summer and I want it now"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer sleeps peacefuly

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "yea he'll be fine"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back and nods

Max rolls his eyes and gets up, "Fine then I'm leaving" he says and leaves the hospital, going to Summers and knocking

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai kissed his cheek

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was half wake as she stubbles to the front door and she opened it."Yeah?"Her eyes where dropping closed, her eye sight was blurry, so she didn't know it was Max.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Hey Nikolai errr...what in the world is thanksgiving?"

Max smiles when he see's summer, he could remember everything about her. He wraps her arms around her, "Oh Summer"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled telling him what it was

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Whoa...." She said sleeply."Max? IS that you?" She asked because she was still half sleep andher mind wasn't working.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "Oh see we don't have it in london and I saw it on your callender"

Max smiles softly and nods, "Yeah Summer its me I'm back"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "you really dont?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer took a moment or two to make her mind work again."Max? Oh Max!" She hugged him tightly as she crys softly.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "nope we don't"

Max smiles a little hugging her back, burrying his face in her neck as he gently strokes her hair, "Please don't cry"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "you'll love it"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "What makes you think that?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "pffft all the food" he chuckled

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer couldn;t help but cry."Can't stop crying...sorry." She said while crying,.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "Oh"

Max smiles softly as he holds her, "it's ok"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled back

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer holds onto him very tightly while crying

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "Oooh i almost forgot can we go shopping?"

Max rocks her, strokng her hair, "Oh Summer I'm so sorry"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "of course"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer sniffed."For what?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back and heads to the mall, "tomorow's max's birthday what should we get him?"

Max, "Forgetting you"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "what does he like?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "It's okay..."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "I have no stuff?"

Max holds her to him, "I forgot mom and was like...everything was gone"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I'm so sorry that happened to you, Max."

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "ooh fuzzy pink handcuffs"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "Handcuffs? How is that a sex thing?" he looks confused

Max kisses the top of her head, "It's alright I'm home now"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded."You do know am never ever letting you go back to fight again."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "I don't have to I've been honorably discharged thank god"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "its a dominate thing i'd cuff you to the bed so you couldnt move then have my way with you" he giggled.

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled a little, she dragged him inside her apartment then she closed the door. She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, kissing her gently back

Jude smiles back giggling, "Oooh that'd be fun lets get that for him"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "and how about for fun a box of condoms?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer broke the kiss."Oh I missed you so much, Max."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude nods, "Yeah" he giggles, "Where's the store to buy that kinda stuff?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max gently wipes her tears, "I missed you two"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Why aren't you in hosptial?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "I wanted to talk to you so I left"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai dragged him to spencers "here"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "We need to get you back to the hosptial, Max before they come looking for you."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles and starts looking around, tilting his head when he finds some vibators, "Hey Nikolai what in the world are these?"

Max, "its ok I checked myself out I'm fine"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled telling him about them "though some gay guys use em to"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Are you sure?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "Oooh I want one" he giggles and looks for the biggest one they have

Max smiles and nods, "Yes" he holds her close, "God I missed you I loved those pic's you sent me by the way"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "well alright"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer held onto him tightly, she blushed when he commented about the pictures."You did?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, holding one out, "Buy it for me?"

Max smiles, "Yeah they were very nice escecialy the army one"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "The army one was Garnets idea." She chuckled

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "Who'se Garnet?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "yea i'll buy it for you"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "My friend."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back kissing his cheek then giggles, "Awesome I can't wait to try it what other fun stuff is their?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "Ah awesome" he kisses her, "Did I tell you tomorrow's my birthday?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer shook her head."No you didn't."

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai giggled "tons"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "It is" he kisses her again, "And all I want is you"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "Oooh you should buy us stuffs" he giggles

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer kissed him back."Me? Really?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "sure"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles and goes out to the car, wanting Nikolai to surprise him

Max smiles, "what else would I ask for? Yourall I could think of"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled."Awwww thats sweet."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "I love you summer"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai bought a few outfits, cuffs, a whip, and various other items before walking out to the car.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude bounces excidedly seeing Nikolai coming, "Oooh what'd ya get?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai handed him the bag smiling "why dont ya look"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back and looks through the bag shivering a little, "I like"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "im glad then"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles back, "Can we use them? like when we get home?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled "of course"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles brightly, "Can you take the long way home love?"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled back taking the long way home "yea sure why?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I love you too Max." she smiled.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude, "Oh no reason" he looks around then leans down and does something with Nikolai >.>

Max smiles back blushing lightly, "You do?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded."yes I do." She kisses him

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled brightly "wow"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles, kissing back

Jude giggles, going upstairs and to the bedroom, getting his leash out and gigggles more, putting it in his mouth then crawls back out to Nikolai, "I gots my leash"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer wrapped her arms around Max

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles, holding her close to him

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled grabbing the leash "so cute"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer held onto him tightly.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles, "I know you love it" he giggles and crawls upstairs again waiting for Nikolai

Max smiles, "Summer...I'll never leave you again"

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai chuckled following after.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Jude smiles and does some things >.>

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "You better not." She smiled

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai panted heavily "wow"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles bac, "I swear I won't"

Jude smiles, "Yeah your amazing"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "because next time I won't send pictures." She chuckled

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled back "so are you"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "You won't?"

Jude is already snoring

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Nope." She smiled

2010-08-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled falling asleep

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, "Then I promise I won't leave"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Good good." She smiled and kissed his cheek

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles back then looks around, "you re-decoarted?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Just a little." She smiled as most of her art work was painted on the walls, like waterfalls, flowers, fruit etc.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles back then goes at looks at the art, "You painted all this? Wow your good"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I got bored and plus I needed someting to do while you where gone. And thanks, I think it's okay"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "I love them I think their amazing" he smiles, "Hey whats this, he picks up a sketchbook, "Ooh whats in here nude drawings?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer looked very guilty."" In the sketchbook where drawings of Max...asleep...naked XD

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles and starts flippin through it lookin surprised, "Wow...but you didn't do me justice I'm bigger then this" he smiles mischeviously

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer hid her face in her hands cause she was embassed.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles putting down the book and going over, gently moving her hands, "don't you evver hide that beautiful face from me"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer's face was bright red but she nodded a little.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles and kisses her, "I love them summer I promise I think its awesome you missed me enough to draw me"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer kissed him back and smiled a little.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles back, kissing her again, "So why nude pics? I'm just wondering"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Well remember the first night you stayed here? Well I wanted to draw you, so I did and when you left I just kept drawing the same picture over and over again."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max nods and smiles, "Of course I remember it was when you popped my cherry" he chuckles, "Awe thats so sweet Summer"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiled and nodded.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "Hey I don't think I've ever showed you" he pulls away then shifts to his wolf form

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer's jaw dropped, her eyes went wide then a moment later she fainted.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max tilts his head, shifting back to normal then kneels bySummer gently shaking her

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was still out cold

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max frowns, "Hey summer come on babe wake up your scarin me"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer mubbled as she wakes up, she rubbed her eyes."I just had the freakest dream..."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "What about?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "That you turned into the cutest wolf I have ever seen" She chuckled and sat up."Why am I on the floor?"She frowned

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles softly, "Cuz it wasn't a dream"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer frowned"Wait what?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "I can turn into a wolf"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "How is that...possiable?"

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max shrugs, "I think it's a mutation"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer was freaking out a little

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max frowns, "I'm sorry..."

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "'s umm...fine." She smiled a little.

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "Then why're you freakin out?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Because I've never met a guy that can turn into a wolf before."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles a little, "I'm one of a kind"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yeah you are..."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max, "Its ok though isn't it?"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "It will take some time for me to get use to it but yeah it's fine."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles softly, "Good...sorry I didn't think you'd care"

2010-08-16 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Of course I care, Max...I love you just the way you are. It dosen't matter if you become a wolf every onces and a while."

2010-08-16 [wolvie]: Max smiles, "Oh Summer you silly I can controll my shifting so if I don't wanna be a wolf I don't have to"

2010-08-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai was up and dressed making a deal in his kitchen.

2010-08-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer nodded."Ohhhhh.....well am blonde you know." She giggled

2010-08-17 [wolvie]: Jude yawns and curls up more, frowning when he doesn't feel Nikolai with him

Max smiles and kisses her, "No worries"

2010-08-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai headed back up to the bedroom.

2010-08-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer smiles and kisses him back.

2010-08-17 [wolvie]: Jude frowns still mostly asleep as he reaches around the bed looking for Nikolai

Max yawns and goes over to the couch

2010-08-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai "by the dresser jude"

2010-08-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: Summer got off the floor."Max again why was I on the floor?"

2010-08-17 [wolvie]: Jude yawns, looking over, "What're you doing?"

Max smiles softly, "You fainted"

2010-08-17 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I did? Weird I never faint"

2010-08-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Nikolai smiled "working"

2010-08-17 [wolvie]: max, "When I shifted you did"

Jude frowns a little, "Oh"

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